Thursday 10 February 2011

Registration Open

The ride is less than four weeks away, so please let me know asap if you'd like to take part in the ride. I very much hope you decide to join us. About 40 riders so far. Just email me at

Sunday 23 January 2011

We have a Sponsor!

Really good news - Bliss Bikes, who are based in Partridge Green, have very kindly agreed to sponsor the ride by providing rider numbers, refreshments along the route and possibly more besides. I've used them myself after my daughter's bike needed a repair after parting company with our roof carrier on the A3 and they did a brilliant job. Just give them a call on 01403 713 470 and ask for Scott, he'll be happy to help.

Monday 18 October 2010

Conditions of Entry (the small print)

By entering this event you confirm that you are in good health and know of no medical reason why you may not participate in the Peter Apted Memorial Downs Link Bide Ride. You are also aware that the organisers and volunteers cannot be held responsible for any personal injury or accident as a consequence of your participation in the bike ride. If you are under 16 you will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult. Photographs will be taken at the event and you consent to their use for publicity purposes.

Invitation to Ride

Looking SE along the Downs Link, linking the North Downs near Guildford and the South Downs near Shoreham by Sea.
  © Janine Forbes licensed for reuse under Creative Commons Licence
We're hopeful that lots of people will want to take part in this ride, which will follow the Downs Link bridleway from Bramley to Shoreham and will include a few free refreshment stops along the way. Family, friends, neighbours and people from Horsham Parish are invited to take part in what should be a great day out in the countryside. It's also a great incentive to get out on your bike on those lovely bright, crisp days during the winter months.

You are invited register your interest in taking part by sending an email to Toby Smallwood at At this stage all that's needed is your name, address, telephone number, email address and a note saying how you found out about this ride. Registering your interest now will not commit you to taking part but, in the event that we have to limit numbers, should guarantee you a place. Entry to the ride is free and everyone taking part will be asked to raise sponsorship. Also, thanks to the very lovely people at St Catherine's Hospice, free t-shirts that riders can wear on the day for added team spirit may be provided.